Friday, November 8, 2013

Friendship Bread

Day 1 - do nothing. This is the day you receive the batter, go by the date on the bag
Day 2 - Day 5 - mush the bag
Day 6 - Add to the bag: 1 C flour, 1 C sugar and 1 C milk. Mush the bag to mix
Day 7 - Day 9 - mush the bag
Day 10 - follow the instructions below:

Pour entire contents of the bag into a non-metal bowl.
Add 1 1/2 C of flour, sugar and milk each. Mix together.
Measure out 4 separate batters of 1 C each into 4 gallon ziplock bags
Keep a starter for yourself and give the other 3 bags to friends along with instructions. Be sure to tell friends which day the bag is at when you give it to them. It's helpful to date the bag with a sharpie.

Preheat oven to 325. Add the following to the remaining batter in the bowl:

3 eggs
1 C oil (OR 1/2 C oil and 1/2 C applesauce)
1/2 C milk
1 C sugar
2 t cinnamon
1/2 t vanilla
1 1/2 t baking powder
1/2 t baking soda
1/2 t salt
2 C flour
1 large box instant vanilla pudding (OR chocolate)

Grease 2 large loaf pans (or 3 small ones)

In a small bowl mix an additional 1/2 C sugar and 1 1/2 t cinnamon. Dust the greased pans with half of this mixture. Pour batter evenly into the pans. Sprinkle the remaining sugar/cinnamon mixture over the top.

Bake 1 hour. Cool until bread loosens from the pan evenly (about 10 mins). Turn out onto the serving dish.

If you keep a starter for yourself, you will be baking every 10 days.

If you keep all the starters, place in freezer. The day you remove from freezer, set on counter and that is Day 1. Don't "grow" it on Day 6, just continue on and make the (whatever you do with it) on Day 10. When you get down to your last starter from the freezer, grow it on Day 6 as per instructions. Then divide up the batter and freeze everything on Day 10, and you can enjoy this sourdough year 'round, without it "growing" out of control or always finding people to give it to.

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